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SolarEclipse Games


Dashers focuses on challenges that test both your thinking and quick reflexes to the maximum extent possible. The latest update introduces thrilling surprises and unforeseen risks designed to keep you engaged and invested in the experience!

Tiny Runners


Tiny Runners

Small Runners provides puzzles where teams of characters navigate through grid based levels filled with cats and dogs.

Zoo Run


Zoo Run

Have you ever played Zoo Run before? Imagine a game, in the style of an arena brawler, like Tekken, where every character has skills and special attacks.

Red Vs Blue


Red Vs Blue

Come along with Tris as she discovers the fashion and style trends of Red vs Blue!


SolarEclipse Games


Dive into a city filled with wreckage and swarming with zombies, in Jumpers for an exhilarating rush of adrenaline!

Barn Dash


Barn Dash

Experience the thrill of riding the Duomètre Jump roller coaster. A ride filled with twists and turns that will have you at the edge of your seat!